Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer movie Report Card Pt. 3

Horrible Bosses                                B-            I thought the trailers for this movie were pretty good, but I’ve been burned plenty of times with these comedy trailers….anyone remember ‘Get Him to the Greek’, ‘Extract’?  But…the movie has Charlie Day (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia….which is basically a vulgar Seinfeld), Jennifer Anniston looks 100x better than Cameron Diaz in Bad Teacher, and Colin Farrell as a balding douche bag boss….  They got me again…..this time, though, it actually paid off.  Horrible Bosses was funny, entertaining...not the funniest movie this summer, but good enough for a matinee (do they even have those anymore?).  Standout scenes were anything with Colin Farrell and anything with Jennifer Aniston… they basically stole the movie.

Friends With Benefits   C             The very first thought that came into my mind (and should have been to yours) when I saw this trailer was….haven’t I just seen this somewhere….recently…  That’s because you HAVE!  Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher were in ‘No Strings Attached’, just this past spring.  I really didn’t want to see this, the trailer wasn’t that funny, and the fact that it’s the same premise as a movie that just came out earlier…(Armageddon/Deep Impact, Volcano/Dante’s Peak)…but dammit, I’m a sucker for the Black Swans….Mila Portman…Natalie Kunis….btw….is it me or does Kunis sound really dirty…..anyways….the movie isn’t bad, but it’s not really that great either…Justin Timberlake hams it up every other scene he’s in, he’s obviously a star, but damn dude, tone it down….The movie has it’s moments, the sex scenes are definitely raunchier than ‘No Strings Attached’ or any other comedy this summer….Bridesmaids included….although you won’t see Mila naked or anything…when you think you do, guess what…she had a body double for her ‘ass’ shot, which….goes beyond me?  Anyways…if you want to see a better ‘romantic comedy’ this summer, check out Crazy Stupid Love, a far superior movie…

Cars 2    n/a         I tried watching the first ‘Cars’ a while back….. I couldn’t even make it through the first 10 minutes… I saw the trailer for this, as soon as that redneck pickup truck (Larry the Cable Guy) popped up on the screen, I decided, F this, it’s gonna suck.  Sorry I can’t stand his “comedy”.  I know it’s a kids movie, I expect more from Disney…this is just plain lazy.  If you want a review or grade for this movie, I can confidently say it’s an F+, even though I haven’t seen it.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon              n/a         Okay, Michael Bay.  He was able to bamboozle me plenty of times, early on, matter of fact….I even LIKED some…(The Rock)….I loved the Transformers CARTOON and TOYS….I was excited when the first one came out, but then…..I saw it, and it was very disappointing….the moment Bumblebee peed on John Turturro, I felt insulted….  I started nitpicking at everything….why did they have to change Bumblebee into a Camaro?  Why show all of Optimus Prime’s face?  Ugh…. Whatever.  So then the sequel comes out, I was willing to give it another chance…I mean sometimes the sequel is better right? (Dark Knight, Empire Strikes Back) Wrong.  Michael Bay does not give a shit.  In fact, he made it WORSE!!!!  The twin ghetto autobots are unbelievably racist….I felt utterly offended….and I’m not even black!!!  Well…here we go…part III.  Bay claims to have learned from his mistakes and says this is better…nay…the best of the three…. Hell, even SOME reviews back that up….well….Fuck you, Michael Bay!!!  I’m waiting on the DVD for this one.  I’m not going to sit in the theatre for 3 hours, just for you to piss me off again.          

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2     A             I can’t really comment too much on the trailers for this, since I don’t remember that many trailers for it.  Maybe it’s because it’s basically the second half of the last movie in the Potter series, maybe it’s because the studio felt that they didn’t need to put out a great trailer, because they have a built-in audience….or maybe it’s because I don’t give a fuck.  The movie is good.  Probably the best one I’ve seen the summer, or will see.  From the beginning of the movie to the end, it was action packed, maybe it deviated a little from the book on some minor parts, maybe it didn’t make sense on others, but guess what?  It’s movie about magic, in a made up world, so shut the hell up, it was fun, and even though it was more than 2 hours, the time flew by.  I know, Transformers is the same way, in that I shouldn’t expect much from a movie about talking robot aliens, but…I do!  I don’t expect an Academy Award winning film to be a summer movie, but I don’t want to some dipshit to lazily put shit together and expect me to like it….see that’s the difference…. You can tell the filmmakers and actors WANTED to make something good out of this, they tried….and succeeded.  If you saw part 1, you may have thought it was really slow…blah blah blah….well this makes up for it…see it…enjoy. 

Next up:  Captain America, Winnie the Pooh....(yes...Winnie the Pooh), Cowboys & Aliens, Rise of the Planet of the Apes

as usual,

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