Friday, July 15, 2011

Chronicles of Faceb**k Deletion

 Nobody like moving.  If you do, you're a facking liar.  How about making a "move" in cyberspace.

Ever thought of leaving Facebook?  Google+ is now that shiny new [secure?] McMansion.  Here is one person's account of leaving the dreaded FACEBOOK.


Chronicles of Facebook Deletion. Chapter 1: You're even going to make this a pain in the ass aren't you?

So I downloaded my entire profile so I have an archive of everything. The process begins with Facebook collecting all of your info. It appears to take about a few hours ( depending on how long it takes for someone to finish eating their hot pocket and washing it down with Mountain Dew ) and you receive an e-mail when it's ready to download. What you get is a .zip file ( .zip = ZIP file format. Used primarily for data compression and archiving. I probably didn't need to explain that since Google savy folks tend to have higher degrees of technical literacy ) that contains all of the following:

+All of your photos
+All of your videos
+Indexed .html ( webpage ) of your homepage containing all of your profile info
+index .html of your photo album homepages and any comment anyone has made on them
+pretty much an index .html of everything else on your Facebook that I didn't mention

With my information now archived, I'm ready to begin deleting everything. I've decided to delete everything because:

A) I don't trust Facebook with my information

B) as a google+ friend pointed out to me, unless you delete everything manually, your account will not be deleted.

Anyway, figured I'd start with deleting my photos. I have a moderate amount uploaded compared to some and a small amount compared to the really really vane. I figured I would just delete the entire albums and be done by the time my morning toast popped up. That process was working well until I reached my Profile Photos...which you actually have to delete ONE AT A TIME! Seriously! Where's the logic in this? I'm reminded of when I flew to Columbus Ohio for a friend's USMC Officer Commissioning.
Its been a while since I flew and forgot about the whole "no liquids" nonsense. To make this deviation from my tales short, my shaving cream and toothpaste was confiscated,...but THEY LET ME KEEP MY RAZOR BLADES!. So yeah, Facebook , TSA, Where's the Logic in your rules?!??.

For me, I have a lot of profile photos, so I grabbed a snickers because I'm not going anywhere for a while. After deleting about 30+ photos manually, my account is now "Temporarily Unavailable". It wouldn't be too much of a stretch that Facebook considers a mass exodus and deletion of data to be "Suspicious Activity" because "hey, who would ever want to delete us? We're awesome ghey! we're Facebook !". So that's what I think happened here. How pissed would I be if they restored everything I deleted?

In any case, it's enough for me to take a break from deleting for today. Assuming my account access is restored later, i'll let you know what happens next.

Ciao for now.... (to be continued.....)

Read Part 2

Follow him on twitter and while you're at it, follow me...

If you're game, check out Sonarak and his blog...


  1. i never knew u had to go thru all of this just to delete your account. keep the info coming.


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